When you love someone, tell them. You might never get a chance to do so again.

When you are angry, express yourself. Write a letter, speak to friends. But don't accuse blindly, don't let your insecurities get the best of you. You might make a mistake you can never undo again.

When you are sad, don't be afraid of it. Emotions are what make us human, and happy or sad, we should never deny ourselves what we are feeling.

Cry. It cleanses the soul.

Write. Even if its only to yourself.

Don't take anything for granted. Nothing in life is permanent. Don't wait until you lose something or someone before you realize how much it/they meant to you.

Stop judging others for their mistakes. Work on correcting yours.

Enjoy what you have and share it. Everything in life is even better when you can share it with someone, anyone.

Forgive those who have wronged you. If you harbor grudges, you are only hurting yourself. There is nothing you cant forgive.

Laugh. Even if this means indulging in a corny spoof movie or getting drunk and laughing with your friends. Its the ultimate band aid for the heart.

Be honest. With others and yourself. The truth might hurt for now, but a lie can ruin your life.

Dream. Dream big. And don't ever let anyone convince you that you cant have what you dream to have. Only you know that. You have to believe you can achieve something, or you might as well stop dreaming altogether.

Don't take anything too seriously. Everything will pass eventually.

Love your family. Blood is thicker than water and they will love you even when the whole world turns their back on you.

And lastly, and most importantly, learn to love yourself.

Nobody is perfect, and nobody will ever be perfect. You can only be the best you that you can be. Don't try to be someone else, don't envy someone for what they have that you don't. Look in the mirror and see the good, dismiss the bad. Don't be so hard on yourself.. learn so you don't make the same mistakes again. And if you do, try again. You have the rest of your life to better yourself, you owe it to yourself to at least try. In the end, we only have one life.. if you're going to live it, live it like you mean it.


*excerpts from a FASHION blog.


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