~God is good, All the time~

Remember that line we used to shout in church, camping, retreat? "God is good, all the time"... "All the time, God is good!".
I remember doing that back in my school time (oh well, I am old now lol). I have so much energy telling HIM how I trust him and all. I cried in my prayers remembering how tender HIS love is. I have confidence in  sharing HIS love to everyone I met.

... and that was loooooong long ago.

What happened to me now? Nah, nothing like 'converted' or anything like that. My relationship with HIM is more like "Yeah, yeah.. I know You're somewhere out there dear God. I know that. Well, good to have you around, sire". It's a very cold relationship. I say the grace before every meals (sometimes I even forgot to say those memorized lines). Pray before sleep. Close my eyes in church when the pastor starts praying. Ah, you know the routine. Nothing is improving for the last few months (maybe years)... and I have no intention to make it better! "What is there to improve? I believe in HIM. I believe the Bible." - says the arrogant me.

I think we all have that 'cold' times. When we know and acknowledge HE's out there doing HIS thing blessing other people, taking care of HIS people, answering prayers. It's just that everything I do is just SO routine. Like just some ROUTINE I've been doin for the past few years. Have you ever experience that? Tradition we've been forced (or maybe 'have to') to follow when we were little. Errrrr izzit? Maybe it's just me.

Yesterday I received a Pos Laju memo addressed to my brother. The moment I saw it I knew it's an interview for a jod I applied for him. He needed it. I needed it for him. My family needed it for him. We all know we need something at certain time for certain thing. In my case, I barely prayed for it. I sent the application and that's it! I had a casual 'conversation', 'talking'  to God telling HIM how bad I (he) need it. Seriously, I almost forgot my brother actually NEED that job. I almost forgot I WANT HIM to answer my prayer. 

I almost forgot what I NEEDED and what I WANTED... but guess what, HE didn't! He has arranged everything so well that I don't have to worry about the timing and the money. The interview letter came at the right time (it's date, venue). Everything goes in parallel. I only need to buy my brother's flight ticket back here and accompany him to the interview later. I was worried I won't be around during the interview (school holiday is just around the corner!).. Or maybe won't have enough money to buy the ticket..

I tell you, God really IS good, all the time. Aaaaaaaall the time! Not only that, HE's a perfect GOD. HE's also a great planner. HIS plans are perfect just like HIS nature. 

Sometimes I wonder what have I done that I deserve such a wonderful  love from HIM~
Well, I guess it's just HIS way of telling me HE''ll still love no matter how 'cold' the relationship is. No matter how 'cold' the conversation is. HIS unconditional love really is something!

God bless


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