Ovarian Cyst

A lot of things happened to me this year. I just dunno why.. malar jak sakit itu ini - minor ones la.. But yesterday was the most painful one. I cried trying to bear the pain in my lower stomach on the left side. I kenot tahan dy so I drove to the nearest clinic in the town. 
I told the doc what happened and how i felt. He said if i want kepastian and all kena buat scanning. Oh, dat sounds BIG! ehemm...
So i did and he told me some good news and some bad ones.. 

Good News 
i) For sure its not appendix becoz its on the left side.. Fhew!
ii) Overall, theres nothing much to worry about

Bad News
i) He found a cysts in my i-can't-remember-which-part.. But its a cyst! He said its normal becoz its just 1 cm big.. But stilllllllll, he asked me to do another scanning after i gt my period later.
ii) My pee very2 the kotor.. and tats the main reason why i felt the pain. 
iii) Salur kencing bengkak! haeh... So, dia suruh minum more water..  and gave me some medc tat cost me $$$$$$$$$$$ ='/
iv) My hormones aren't stable.. He said it happens to a lot of girls and no need to worry. Its gonna a bit hard to get pregnant later but there are also a lot of treatments out there.. =)

Well, I had mixed feelings abt it.. I was kinda excited seeing my own ovary, uterus and all... It was my first time! altho it was just in black and white screen.. So, will do another scanning and hopefully everythings just fine~~ 

and yeah.. Even if the cyst goin to get bigger, theres no need to worry juga.. Its not tat harmful..

Jadiiii, next time sila minum air banyak2....................................

This isn't mine but begini la rupa the scan... =)


ie kenak dgr kedak2 tok ajak tok?? tkt eh...pemakanan kita mungkin penyebab kali kan??
Wen said…
alalala..sumandak.. tidak perlu buang ka tu?
risma robin said…
Ayu: Ya la tek.. Tkejut juak kmk dgr nya padah ada cyst.. Last time, carol mpun scan the doc said the same thing.. Kencing kotor.. But nah, tgga pa jadi.. Xtau juak.. Tapi according to my research (cheahhh!), cyst tok nang besa ada.. and besanya its harmless..

Wency: Perlu kalau dia membesar lagi.. Bestfriend sa baru operate last month sbb ini juga.. But mine belum pasti lagi perlu buang or not.. tunggu lepas period baru tau.. hopefully its nothing serious la..
Unladylike said…
wa..minum air byk2 oh
Wen said…
u know what, u are lucky coz dpt detect awal.. ada kwan sa xbole beranak suda gara2 cyst, besar suda tu cyst baru kna rawat.. so i think, better buang, nti terus mbesar..and plg bgs, pg hosp swasta.. its better..
risma robin said…
itu la.. kwn sa pun kena... tapi sebelah jak la.. Luckily mine is not harmful.. thanx mandak~
usually if cyst grew big, it will press ur salur kencing and that cos it to bengkak. If biar lama, it will disturb the flow of d urine and may cos back flow where ur urine msk blk to ur kidney and lead to kidney bengkak..doc yg tell me..and celia punya 'adik ipar' pun bru operate knk appendix tp cek2 ada ovarian cyst 15cm! My cut was small and horizontal, hers is cut vertically over the abdomen. Pny bsr dia pny wound. Pjg plak crita sa..;)..Hahaha..

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