SMK Agama and Teaching Passionately

I'm not goin to lie here. The first time I heard I'm goin to teach in a Sekolah Menengah AGAMA, it scared the hell out of me. I thought there were some mistake - How can they send a non-muslim to  Agama school? Are they trying to convert me? What the heck is this? Was it because of my confusing name? Tekanan jiwa dan raga!!! ;(
Well, mimang ini la sa pikir time sa mula2 masuk.. I cried! And I seriously hate it. I called my friends, called my parents (I was in a training when I got the result) telling them I was scared and all.
Tapi mau tida mau, terpaksa juga la sa lapor diri.. 

Before you start accusing me, sa mau kestau yang my super bestfriend is a very nice Muslim - Julia. Kawan time kici2, time masi lagi sa ikat rambut macam Sailormoon.. 12 tahun of friendship.. 
And i was actually with a muslim guy that time..
So, I have no problem hanging around with Muslim ppl.. =)


First day at school
Sa p melapor diri and all i see was students with tudung (BIG ones i tell you!), and songkok. (well, what do you expect in Agama school isn't it?).. I felt like I'm goin to have hard times in the school.. Maybe for few years.. FEW YEARS!!!
So, teruskan cerita.. Rupanya2 ada juga satu cigu non-muslim there.. So memang sa kawan sama dia saja.. I didn't wanna talk to the other teachers...
I was really scared to talk to the Ustazah/Ustaz there.. Put yourself in my shoe, sure kamurang pun mcm sa..
Macam masuk tempat alien...

Teruskan cerita
Tapi sebagai cigu, sa tetap juga mengajar.. The passion I have in my heart is just too strong, huge and.. (Nah, minta puji suda sa ni)...
First day masuk kelas.. Lepas the students cakap "Selamat pagi cigu", sa terus jawab "Duduk".. Well, you kenot terus terus cakap "duduk" in Sekolah Agama.. They need to cite some prayer before we start the class.. lol
It was so embarassing.. @_@
After almost two years teaching here...
Sa dapat satu pengalam yang sangat-sangat sa hargai...

1) Mengajar, mendidik itu bukan satu tugas yang dibatasi oleh agama, bangsa, ataupun tempat..
2) Sa dpt banyak ilmu di sini.. p/s: Sa ketua panitia suda skg.. You just have to swallow everything super fast here.. Learn and adapt very very very the fast sbb bilangan guru yang sikit = kerja yang bertimbun2
3) The students here are very very the bagus. Of course semua sekolah ada yang samseng.. But they're in Sekolah Agama.. Its not that problematic to deal with this disiplin disiplin punya probs..
4) Be positive. Stay positive. 
5) Don't assume things.. Bikin susah diri sendiri saja.
6) Manusia sama saja.. Kalau di seberang ada begini, di sini juga sama.. Ada baik, ada buruk dia..

Dan paling penting....

None of the ustazah/ustaz tried to convert me.. NONE! Kami bergaul dgn baik.. Go canteen together (walaupun sa jarang p canteen sbb mknn dia tida sedap!).. We share what we know.. My senior colleagues helped me a lot.. Ustazah Rashida was the COOLEST, paling sporting, baik ustazah yang sa pernah jumpa.. She was the first teacher who greeted me on my first day here.. With her bright smile on her face.. Thanx Kak Shida.. =)

It has been almost 2 years since the first day sa pijak kaki sini.. Rasa mau pindah sekolah? No.
Sa rasa sa mau mengajar di sini for few more years..
Sa rasa selesa di sini..
sa mungkin juga rasa selesa di sekolah lain..
But honestly..
I just wanna stay here for some more time...

p/s: Kalaulah this kinda environment is practiced in Malaysia.. We can get along very well together.. Respect is all we need.. =)


Raya last year... LOL



Fadzmie said…
Ko tida mau test mengajar di Pulau Banggi ka? Hahaha.
risma robin said…
hahahha... Okay juga ka sana? Klu ada kesempatan, sa mau balik kudat dulu baru p tempat lain... keh keh
Fadzmie said…
Haha. Ndatau la ok ka tida. Sebab sy sendiri pun nda pernah duduk lama2 di Banggi tu. Tapi kawan sy, mengajar di sana, tiap2 weekend dia pulang Kudat naik bot sendiri. Hahaha.

p/s: banyak lagi bah sekolah siuk2 di Kudat ni. :p
LAi said…
ni skul d mn ko mngajar??smai?smakk??

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