Felt like 2014 was just yesterday 😅
How are you? Life been good? 

I think I’m that age (or time) where I start to look at my mummy’s body and compare it to what I had pre-baby. So much different especially my butt. Damn! 
Before marriage I’ve heard people complaining about how their butt got bigger after baby. I thought that happen to everyone. Ohhh I was so so wrong! I lost mine and went somewhere 180° - yeap, tp my tummy 🙄

But in 6 years I’ve been more flexible than I was in my 20s. Physically and mentally. 

Flexible or notttt? U better say yes.

I can tolerate mess better (not dirt), be more forgiving, letting things go because I realised that holding onto some emotions is just a waste of time. I want happiness. Joy. Fun. 
Those time I spent on negative feelings won’t come back.
I’ll always choose things that makes me happy. Don’t like this thing? Say thank you and let it go. Don’t like this person? Minimise contact. Don’t like that guy/women I barely knw and in my socmed? Unfollow/mute. 
It not really because I feel offended or I feel some kinda hate/dislike. I’m just taking care of what occupy my mind. It’s a self-care, of soul-care (is there such a word?).-

I left Facebook for a few months. I can’t see pics of kids being abused by their babysitter while I’m at work. I don’t wanna see pictures of dogs being beaten. I don’t wanna spend my time verifying “news” I see on my timeline.
I so wanted to make my days better I left it.

But this MCO made me revisit my new Facebook account. I kinda don’t know what to share but at least I’m seeing good stuff from people I actually know.

I plant a lot these days. Can’t really take out that petani side of me ya 😂❤️

I’m probably gonna write more.
Things that MCO do to you what you have plenty of time to 🔥
Drop a comment below if you’re reading this! See you 🌸


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